New Online Resource for Real Estate Industry
FORT MYERS – The Real Estate Investment Society (REIS) proudly announces the launch of its new website,, designed to serve the commercial real estate and development industry in Southwest Florida. The REIS web site includes a calendar of meetings, hearings, workshops, and events of particular interest to the real estate investment and development professions. There are quick links to associated professional organizations, government agencies, economic development offices, elected officials, and sources of current market information. A searchable membership directory allows members and visitors to connect with leading professionals. The site is designed for easy navigation and improved accessibility with mobile devices. Additional real estate investment and development information is presented in the REIS Report, the Society’s online newsletter posted on the web site every month. Breaking news, insight on current issues, and special alerts are accessible via the REIS discussion group on LinkedIn, where members share information and insight on legal issues, financing strategies, industry events, and related subjects. Sean Ellis, 2014 president of REIS, announced the website and explained “Southwest Florida offers a wealth of real estate investment and development opportunities and I welcome anyone involved in the business to use the resources on the website and capitalize on the expertise offered by the members of the Real Estate Investment Society.” The Real Estate Investment Society is an independent organization, dedicated to assisting members in the effective utilization of real estate through networking, education, public service, and a common voice on pertinent issues. The membership represents a broad spectrum of real estate, environmental, financial, legal, design, construction, marketing and management companies. Details of upcoming REIS programs are also presented, along with a convenient online reservation form. REIS luncheon meetings convene at 11:30 on the second Tuesday of each month, at Pelican Preserve in Fort Myers, to network and discuss current civic and business issues affecting the commercial real estate and development industry. Information on membership and meeting programs is available at